Thursday, October 8, 2015

Changing Tides

              Have you ever planned out an event perfectly and then out of the blues all preparation that was put in place comes crashing down in your presence? We all have felt like this at a point in life. We place this activity in the pile of disappointments because it gives us an empty feeling in the pit of our stomach, makes us feel inadequate or sometimes even makes us give up entirely on a venture . All these feelings are valid but after a disappointment the next step taken is the most crucial to either make the disappointment give room for our changing tide or make it a stumbling block.
Do you remember the saying 
"After every disappointment comes a blessing or every cloud has a silver lining"
Yes, right. We all have heard this at some point only that then we just could not see how this could be paving a way for a blessing. But then that is the idea behind changing tides, sometimes these disappointments are a way of prepping us emotionally, financially, physically or spiritually for the change about to take place.
              How do you deal with disappointments? do you just give up on the idea completely , do you persevere, do you seek help, does the level of anticipation just become depleted. These are stages that would most likely occur depending on what kind of disappointment but then if  Thomas Edison had given up after every disappointing try he would be known as the inventor of  electric bulb.
"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time" - Thomas Edison

              Changing tides simply mean causing a complete reversal of the circumstance. As humans we all have the power to manipulate situations thus we can transform disappointments.
             I choose to see disappointments not as a stumbling block but as my chance to manipulate the variables I worked with to give me an entirely new result.
             Truth is there would always be disappointments in life but how we deal with them determine if we change the tide or if we keep going in a loop of the same events till we choose to give up.

Bible passage -
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord " (Isaiah 55:8)
           I also recommend you might want to read "The purple hibiscus "- Chimamanda Adichie , I read it for the thousandth time (exaggeration of course) but realized that no matter how many times I do something new sticks out again.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Long Time Coming

     It has been exactly two months since i posted anything, i apologize for the radio silence. Over the months i have just had a lot of things to work on in all aspects of my life but Thank God i am back on my feet and ready to resume normal duties.
    I have a post i have been itching to write and i promise you would soon have the opportunity of reading it soon.
Thank you for your patience.

Sunday, August 2, 2015


Self Image 

     This aspect of social media has become a great concern for several communities. Self image is the mental image one has of their abilities, appearance and personality
      On the media we encounter a lot of different individuals who are very different from us but one thing most of us forget is that people only put up what they want portrayed never the entire truth or their travails .Social media is that one place we can be who we desire to be but most people take this too far making all that counts to me this way of life forgetting how precious they as a individual are because of this a lot of people have been lured into the belief that they are not good enough or that their lives would not measure up to the standards of the social media community.


Over the past years I have heard a lot of stories regarding two people who met via social media by chance, strike up a conversation and it led to an happily ever after  and also for my people in long distance relationships (Kudos to you) have found social media to be a blessing, a great way to keep in touch with people they love until they are able to see them physically. Unfortunately some stories end with more gore. The social media trend according to some studies has raised the rate of dishonesty, distrust and break ups. We have become so engrossed in our life on social media that a lot of us cannot strike up a conversation with others because of this we have let a lot of our relations with people die some people even take it as far as having public confrontations on social media and these feuds are also fueled by the insecurities of other people.

   Just as I stated in my last post I would leave the decision to you my readers . 
Is social media an advantage or a disadvantage?
  We also have to keep in mind that when a great opportunity or asset is abused it becomes worthless or harmful. Keep in mind to know when, what and how to use the gift of social media.

Bible passage for the week 

"Call unto me, and i will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." - Jeremiah 33: 3 (KJV)

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

THE LADY AND HER LORD: Media Media Media

THE LADY AND HER LORD: Media Media Media: A lot of bloggers, writers and life coaches have written a lot about the growing ravenous craze for social media, some have criticized an...

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Media Media Media

A lot of bloggers, writers and life coaches have written a lot about the growing ravenous craze for social media, some have criticized and others have strengthened the importance of these media outlets in our present society.

What is your take on social media, has it become a nuisance or is it an aid? 
      On today's blog I would try to brush up the possible pros and cons of our booming social media and leave you my avid readers to draw conclusions. 
      Over the years we have all noticed how different the media has become how it has become intertwined with the news and our lives. Social media has found its way into our daily activities, has found a home in our securities and insecurities.
     We young individuals can attest to the fact that we rarely or never watch the news or read the papers, we find it hard keeping up with the news that concern us directly talk less of world news but with the introduction of social media platforms like social blogs, Facebook, Twitter and the likes we have been able to keep in touch with our surrounding just by the tap of a screen . By making these news accessible us we have been able to tune back into our world, its politics, entertainment and knowledge. But just like all good things there is also the con because this information is very easy to access we also know it is easy to post information and several people have decided to misuse this outlet by posting misinformation's about issues that concern the public and others have even used this medium to slander the names of others.
     The media has helped a lot of us get back in touch with old contacts, strengthen old friendships and has also helped us build new social connections which is a great advantage to students and individuals of the working class. It is a platform that makes communication easy with others and promotes the idea of friendship in a brand new light. 
      Hmmm as easy as it is to make new contacts so also is it so easy to fall prey to social stalking especially when we give a little too much information on social media forgetting that it is a public platform in which all your information can be viewed publicly (except for those who privatize their accounts).
Intellectual impact 
       As a student I can testify that there are several moments when i have an impeding school task to work on and i would get sidetracked by either a message on Facebook, an update on Instagram or an interesting tweet, I believe this is the story of some other students. Social media has sidetracked a lot of us and we spend so many minutes and even hours just browsing away and this has lead to lower academic grades and lesser commitment in the pursuit of intellect.
       While this has become a problem, we still have students who use social medias judiciously by creating school groups in which they discuss instructive topics and i can also attest to the fact that social media such as YouTube has been used by students to understand school topics much better thanks to those who upload helpful academic videos and even some do it yourself videos for some of us who don't want to pay too much for needed service.



Monday, July 20, 2015

Supporting the movement for the extraordinary (2)

         I welcome you all again to my blog and I sincerely apologize for my inability to keep up with my posts due to certain issues. I would try my best to make sure I keep you all updated bi-weekly on new posts and issues that I wish to discuss. Thank you all for your patience.
        Today I would be finalizing our last topic and by God's grace I would also be publishing a new post later on in the week.

Let's start by recapping all that was said on my last post;
       Everyone has the ability to be extraordinary(ability to be above the ordinary) and to turn out successful in their endeavors. I also stated basic steps such as: Finding happiness in what you do and dedication in your line of duty.
       I shall be adding two more basic steps today and I pray that as we follow these steps religiously we all get the pleasant results we desire.

Seek Counsel
   Yes we have to seek advice from others either young or old regardless of how independent we feel we are. I am guilty of always thinking that I can do all on my own and I need nobody ,I am always striving to beat the odds but regardless of how great I feel I am good counsel is always needed. Notice the word "good" meaning not just any kind of counsel but good counsel one that pushes you to reach for the stars and soothes your doubts and weaknesses. Good counsel is what makes the extraordinary individual stand ahead of the ordinary.
   At this point some people are grumbling and complaining that when exactly does the reading end, well the truth is that it doesn't end if you plan to stand ahead. Knowledge is a trait that has to be acquired and it is one that can be passed down not genetically but by others. The best way to acquire knowledge is by reading not just books that are related to our career but also those that expose you to other areas of expertise.
Become an avid reader because books are the least expensive way in which you can explore the world.

Bible verse:
"But i would strengthen you with my mouth, and the comfort of my lips would relieve your grief"- Job 16:5 (NKJV)
Let's all learn to be gentle with our words because they may be the last someone would hear.

I would also love to recommend the book "KITE RUNNER" it is a wonderful book with a view on friendship, servitude and displacement.
                                              Have a wonderful week ahead

Saturday, June 6, 2015

THE LADY AND HER LORD: Supporting the movement for the extraordinary

THE LADY AND HER LORD: Supporting the movement for the extrordinary: Extraordinary (1)       Everyone has the ability to be above the ordinary , to bring about the uniqueness required by their environment b...

Supporting the movement for the extraordinary

Extraordinary (1)

      Everyone has the ability to be above the ordinary , to bring about the uniqueness required by their environment but we cannot bring out this potential until we begin to believe in our ability.
     What are the steps to channeling this trait? There is no one path to success neither is there a mapped out strategy for becoming extraordinary irregardless of this idea everything has its basics that should be a compass on our journey of empowerment. The basics is the key to turning out a success while exploring your extraordinary self. What is success? This question has had several fleeting answers and this is my answer. Success is not characterized by the amount you own or how far ahead you are in life but by how much you have influenced those around you . Since we have more knowledge on success we can now explore the basics.
Find happiness
      Yes we have all heard this at one point or another; That you choose a career that makes you happy but most of us end up choosing where the money is. The reason for this advice is that once you are happy with what you do everyday, you remain fulfilled. It is better to have a low paying job that you are always eager to get to than to have a job that produces millions but you have no passion to rise up each morning for. When you are happy and fulfilled in your line of work you begin to think beyond the ordinary and produce results an average person would not thereby giving room for the extraordinary and recognition for your ability.
  Note: Just because you have chosen what you are passionate about does not mean it is all going to be a bed of roses No! There will be trials, moments when you want to quit, times you wonder if it is all worth it but if you are dedicated you will pull through all these challenges it might take time but your dedication to fulfilling your passion will make you stand out extraordinarily despite all the trials.

Bible passage: I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gate of bronze and cut the bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places ,that you may know that I, the Lord, Who you call you by your name, Am the God of Israel {Isaiah 45:2-3} .

To read: I will also recommend for the ladies a wonderful book i came across "God where is my Boaz" by Stephan Labossiere which you can purchase online at 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Root (2)

    Can a lasting relationship stay strong without trust? This is a question that has crossed our minds at one point or another in our relationship most especially when you find the substance of trust lacking. and my simple answer is no. why you might ask; trust is one of the major driving force behind any relationship without this force most of your efforts will remain static.
   The power of the element of trust has been taken for granted by many regardless of its deep meaning. To trust someone is to believe in them, their actions and most importantly their decisions. When one is bestowed with the responsibility of being trusted one is required to hold its balance by never betraying it no matter what.
  In a relationship the term "Trust" should not be taken lightly because this whole idea becomes the foundation that strengthens your relationship through the many hurdles you would encounter. Yes, hurdles. Every relationship faces hurdles that they would encounter simply because there are no perfect relationships with this said let me broaden the meaning of a relationship. A relationship is the coming together of two imperfect people to uphold the promise of love , respect and also to continually cherish one other.
 What's the reason for trust you ask; Trust helps build a standard in your relationship where you and your partner are accountable for your actions.This level of responsibility is a standard that if maintained results in discipline and growth.
 With this said we should thrive to maintain trust in whatever relationship we go into either personal or official.

Bible verse
"All are justified and made upright and in right standing with God, freely and gratuitously by his grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus" Romans 3:24 [Amplified Bible]

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Root

           Welcome once again to my fellow bloggers and equally to my avid readers and supporters. how was your valentine celebration hope you shared the love and learned of new ways to appreciate yourself and bask in the beauty of the love that surrounds you.
           I would be delving into a sensitive issue today one about relationships. I would also like you to note that these are just my views and they do not reflect how your relationship should be or point out what is absent in it. It is just a way of sharing my opinion (which can be disputable) with you.
           Relationship has been defined by so many scholars and individuals but I do believe everyone has their unique definition for the term because the term in itself is a unique entity different to everyone. Relationships are not necessarily between lovers, they could be with friends, families, schoolmates, colleagues and some people even have relationships with their pets and treasured objects.
           Although relationships come in several forms and in different ways it still hods its roots down in acknowledgement, acceptance, appreciation , respect, trust and love. I am but yet still ignorant of the several faces of love and how it works but one sure thing I have learnt is that love is not like a book you read to understand because it is so unpredictable. Love is what you learn to feel and come to appreciate for its warmness and its strength.
            In every relationship we must be willing to acknowledge that we are ready to try and venture into a world unknown one in which we learn new things and test limits we have never known existed. I do not subscribe to the belief that love is all about putting others needs before yours I believe it is more like loving others just as much as you love yourself. You cannot make others happy if you are sad within can you? Acknowledging the strength that love can give you will fuel your resolve the more to allow room for growth in your relationship
            When I talk of acceptance I like to take it hand in hand with appreciation because once you accept someone for what they are you begin to appreciate them.Remember a relationship is not a perfect picture but it can be a beautiful one. There will always be similarities and differences and this is where the scale of balance comes in to play. You have to accept the similarities in your relationship and by doing that you learn to appreciate the difference that it contains, this scale of balance tilts your relationship into a semblance of beauty.
            Respect, hmm a big word right one we have heard so many times and seen displayed in so many ways. By respecting an individual or a group of people you admire their abilities and their qualities, you regard what they stand for and believe in. Respect is one broad topic that holds a lot of diverse opinion and reaction but still it is one thing we all clamor for. With that said I will leave you with a lovely quote to ponder upon " One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say " - Bryant H. McGill
             Till the next time when we will talk about sub topics like trust.
      Thanks again for giving your time to support me may God bless you and to you all I say Happy new Month. Have a blissful one.

Bible passage
"You shall love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength" Deuteronomy 6:5
The love of Christ is the greatest feeling ever. Try Him and see that He is good.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


THE LADY AND HER LORD: LOVING LOVE:          I welcome you all to the unveiling of a new post and also apologize for the irregularity of the posts which is mainly due to a lot ...


         I welcome you all to the unveiling of a new post and also apologize for the irregularity of the posts which is mainly due to a lot of time being dedicated to my studies. Please do bear with me.
         Today's post is titled "Loving Love", an awkward title for a post right? Yes I know but it did its job, it captured your attention and increased your level of curiosity. Loving love is not all about others but about us grasping the intention of love.
         February is a month popularly tagged "the month of love" because it harbors a special day dedicated to express love, although personally I believe love is an emotion that should be expressed everyday and to everyone irregardless of their identity. This does not mean lovers, family and friends should not take this day into consideration it only means that we should not limit our ability to love and express our emotions to this day alone.
         As a thriving youth in this present time I also understand that a lot has been taken for granted or out of context, many laugh at beautiful compliments, despise the sentence i love you and could care less about emotional gestures. All these should not mean that we stop expressing these feelings, just because life is hard does not mean we stop living right? I am equally guilty of misreading compliments like many of us would agree because it seem that as the generations grow older we begin to view gentlemen as flirts, independent women as proud and virtuous ladies as pretenders. This should not be the case, rather we should learn to embrace these qualities and treat them as the treasures they are meant to be.
      That is why loving love itself should start out with us loving ourselves by this we teach ourselves to stop waiting for a mask to fall off someone's face, or for our fears to hunt our happiness by this we start hoping and living not fearing and dying in insecurities. 
       Let me take us all back to the basics as far as my own understanding can go; Love stands for a lot of beautiful things, it is an emotion that houses several emotions like joy, purity, beauty, fulfillment among several others but how can we express love if we have not fully embraced ourselves.
       We now live in a world where there are several insecurities and several people thriving in low self-esteem because we have left the basics, jumped the gun. we want to start loving others when we have not loved ourselves. By loving ourselves we open a new dimension, one where you see yourself as the deserving person you are, one where the world is yours to take and not one where we cower and hide behind the facade of public acceptance because the truth is not everyone will love you or your ideals but everyone could admire your strength of holding on to them.
        I charge us all that while we are yet in this season of love let us learn to embrace ourselves, to embrace our strength and weakness, our beauty and our flaws then and only then can we learn to love others. You cannot share what you do not possess, you can only share love because you are filled with it . Decide to fall in love with love and not just the idea of love because it is such a beautiful feeling just as it is a beautiful idea.

Note: Loving yourself does not mean you are perfect or above anyone else it simply means you know your flaws and have grown to accept and understand them. Do not use the excuse of loving yourself as a means to make others feel terrible about who they are or what they stand for.

        I want us all to embrace this emotion and watch as it opens doors of confidence we never knew existed. Love was made to be beautiful and when expressed accordingly it becomes irresistible to all.
       Before I end this post I would share a beautiful bible passage regarding love. it goes thus,

" Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away(But love still remains)." - 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

I love you all and appreciate your support.
Have a wonderful valentine's day celebration, stay safe and act safely and responsibly.

what would you do if you got this for vals *emotional trauma tho*

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Today's blog is only going to be a poem; One I wrote a long time ago regarding problems of letting go of the past and loosing yourself in the present.  This poem is not properly composed to fit the rules of literary poem, it is just the pouring out of emotions.

Have fun as you read.

      Walking down this lonely road
      As all emotions flowed,
      A river of tears finding its way through my eyes,
      Resounding echos , just one word
     "Is this the end."
      When i think of you
      The color blue is all i see
      It represents the calmness i feel just like the sea
      Brightness radiates like the sun
     Alas, this ends here
     It goes no further
     The love i once had
     The love i once felt
     All has been washed away
     Dragged away by the tide of time
     When i look forward
     I expect to see your smile but i see no you
    All that i see now is new.
                                                               Serifat Adebola

Bible passage
 1 Corinthians 15:58 "Always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord"

  Remember that the heart was made to love, never to hate.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


   I welcome you all to the unveiling of a new post that I pray speaks to one or two people. You might have thought this post will be an argumentative one because of its title but as you will soon discover it is more of a subtle reminder of our abilities.
   Most of us tend to rely upon the accounts of others than our own gut feeling or intuition because we are so scared of stepping out of line, leaving our comfort zone or discovering the power behind the impossible. We tend to be scared of reaching out for new places or results and believe me I do relate; there have been times I have been weary of trying out a new dish or travelling to a new place all these are fears that limit us from growing and reaching our full potential. This attitude has hindered a  lot of us from discovering our in-built potential which is that bot of uniqueness that sets us apart from every other person.
  We have become so comfortable following the road well known because we do not want to be tagged as different for finding our own paths. Although I have also had my doubts and moments of weakness, times when I wanted to fit in and be like every other person but I was soon to learn that fitting into the worlds status quo left me no room to explore, make a difference or even be me.
  To make a difference we must be ready to be different, to step out of the box , to leave the ordinary to explore the extra-ordinary, but take heed that in our pursuit in finding new paths we do not make it our excuse to trample on the feelings and/or beliefs of others around us.
  Many of those who have success stories only do because they were different, probably not in looks or behavior but they were different in the way they thought, they had a different perspective, different vision and a burning desire of being extraordinary.
Abraham had something unique to offer, he was set apart in the midst of all his kindred. This and his unwavering faith made him to become the father of all nations.

Also one of my favorite quote says
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us" - Marianne Williamson

So i charge us all today
                                                  DARE TO BE DIFFERENT
{To be different we need the right counsel and what greater counsel than the counsel of God}

Bible passage- Psalm 119 verse 105
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" - Amplified Bible
Winter look
You could still be fabulous regardless of the weather


Sunday, January 25, 2015


                                     The First

     I gladly welcome you all  to my blog with love and joy. This idea has been brooding for a while and thank God I finally got around to doing it. Although my blog is named "The lady and her Lord" it is not only directed to ladies but to people of every gender and age. My blog's purpose is to promote a platform where we could encourage ourselves in this different time and lead healthier relationships.
     This blog will also be used as a forum to discuss our daily life issues, today's entertainment , fashion styles and trust me I would also recommend some movies, books, music and surely bible messages (Nah i ain't leaving God out of this) for everyone to enjoy.
      As promised the first book i will recommend for your delightful reading is "THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT" by Colette R. Harrell, this book is a wonderful read especially for young adults.
       Bible passage: Psalm 139: 17 {My favorite verse}
                                                                                       Have a beautiful day ahead everyone


                                     The First

     I gladly welcome you all  to my blog with love and joy. This idea has been brooding for a while and thank God I finally got around to doing it. Although my blog is named "The lady and her Lord" it is not only directed to ladies but also to people of every gender and age to promote a platform where we could encourage our beliefs and promote healthier relationships among us all.
     This blog will also be used as a forum to discuss our daily life issues, today's entertainment , fashion styles and trust me I would also recommend some movies, books, music and surely bible messages for everyone to enjoy.
      As promised the first book i will recommend for your delightful reading is "THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT" by Colette R. Harrell, this book is a wonderful read especially for young adults.
       Bible passage: Psalm 139: 17 {My favorite verse}
                                                                              Have a beautiful day ahead everyone