Sunday, July 26, 2015

Media Media Media

A lot of bloggers, writers and life coaches have written a lot about the growing ravenous craze for social media, some have criticized and others have strengthened the importance of these media outlets in our present society.

What is your take on social media, has it become a nuisance or is it an aid? 
      On today's blog I would try to brush up the possible pros and cons of our booming social media and leave you my avid readers to draw conclusions. 
      Over the years we have all noticed how different the media has become how it has become intertwined with the news and our lives. Social media has found its way into our daily activities, has found a home in our securities and insecurities.
     We young individuals can attest to the fact that we rarely or never watch the news or read the papers, we find it hard keeping up with the news that concern us directly talk less of world news but with the introduction of social media platforms like social blogs, Facebook, Twitter and the likes we have been able to keep in touch with our surrounding just by the tap of a screen . By making these news accessible us we have been able to tune back into our world, its politics, entertainment and knowledge. But just like all good things there is also the con because this information is very easy to access we also know it is easy to post information and several people have decided to misuse this outlet by posting misinformation's about issues that concern the public and others have even used this medium to slander the names of others.
     The media has helped a lot of us get back in touch with old contacts, strengthen old friendships and has also helped us build new social connections which is a great advantage to students and individuals of the working class. It is a platform that makes communication easy with others and promotes the idea of friendship in a brand new light. 
      Hmmm as easy as it is to make new contacts so also is it so easy to fall prey to social stalking especially when we give a little too much information on social media forgetting that it is a public platform in which all your information can be viewed publicly (except for those who privatize their accounts).
Intellectual impact 
       As a student I can testify that there are several moments when i have an impeding school task to work on and i would get sidetracked by either a message on Facebook, an update on Instagram or an interesting tweet, I believe this is the story of some other students. Social media has sidetracked a lot of us and we spend so many minutes and even hours just browsing away and this has lead to lower academic grades and lesser commitment in the pursuit of intellect.
       While this has become a problem, we still have students who use social medias judiciously by creating school groups in which they discuss instructive topics and i can also attest to the fact that social media such as YouTube has been used by students to understand school topics much better thanks to those who upload helpful academic videos and even some do it yourself videos for some of us who don't want to pay too much for needed service.



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