Thursday, February 14, 2019

What Love Means To Me

Growing up we are all exposed to different definitions of love. Some of these definitions come from the media, and others from those around us therefore we all end up with different conclusions, most end up looking for a fantasy, some get exposed to what love is not and others find exactly the love that is true. The main idea is that all our hearts long for love.
For me, the definition of love is not just one sentence like defines
" a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person" 
because it goes beyond feelings instead it encompasses a lot of characteristics.
These characteristics are not made up to fit my fantasy man (6'ft tall, dark chocolate, great body, greater mind, and romantic 😍)  because trust me love goes beyond all of that. My definition of love comes from my faith and my understanding of the love God has for me because this is a definition that never changes with the tide of time because God's fashion is forever in vogue😄.
Without further ado, the characteristics I have learnt should define love are:
  • Acceptance: Acceptance is recognizing the other person completely for who they are without always steadily trying to fix them 
  • Selflessness: Love is always concerned and thoughtful about the welfare of others. It thinks less of "Me" and thinks more of others. 
  • Patience: Love is patient through the good and bad times, slow to anger and does not make hasty decisions.
  • Kindness: It emits compassion, expresses empathy and cares for the conditions of others 
  • Generosity : Because love does not envy it is generous, and content with it's current possessions 
  • Humility: It is humble, not raising itself above others or announcing it's deeds for people to praise 
  • Protection: The way I see it when you love someone you protect them from spite regardless of what they have done to you or who the spite is coming from 
  • Honest: Love is truthful, clear with it's intentions thus not making others live in darkness
  • Perseverance: This means love does not easily give up
  • Sacrifice: Love does extraordinary things and leaves its comfort zone of what it is used to so as to serve others
  • Peace: Love banishes fear, anxieties and insecurities therefore it invites peace  1 John 4:18
  • Trust: This is the very foundation of love because trust means that I can rely and depend on you thus I don't have to second guess and live in doubt waiting for the bomb to drop
When love expresses all these, it cannot be abused if both parties are dedicated to the wellbeing of the other but most of us miss out on this great love because we hold on to unbelief, hurt, betrayal, mistrust, fear, unworthiness, and failure thus only giving too little of ourselves and making love feel. like a chore.
I believe that to love, to truly love we must first love ourselves only then can we pour out love to others and commit to them (Matthew 22:39). 
So love is not just a feeling because our feelings change, instead it is our actions, our dedication to keep showing our love by our continuous commitment to the one we love just like God is always showing his commitment to us each day. 
Finally, love is not perfect but it is definitely worth it when you do it right. So to all my avid readers, happy Valentine's Day and I hope you remember to love everyday and not just today.

Here's a song for you:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the continuos support and a Happy Happy Valentine's Day to you ❤️
